C&D美国西恩迪科技有限公司(NYSE: CHP), 是一家生产,销售及推广一整套备用电源系统的北美的高科技公司。专业的技术能力,使得C&D西恩迪在给开关电源、控制设备、通信和不间断电源等提供解决方案和客户服务方面处于领导性地位。
上海C&D西恩迪蓄电池有限公司是由美国C&D西恩迪科技有限公司与上海输配电股份有限公司共同投资组建的专业生产阀控铅酸免维护蓄电池的生产商。C&D公司是著名铅酸蓄电池品牌LIBERTYTM (原 DYNASTY 大力神) 在中国的唯一生产制造商。
1999年美国C&D 收购美国江森(Johnson Controls)其下的DYNASTY 部门,其中包括原上海江森蓄电池有限公司67%的股权。C&D公司在革新技术、高质量的生产、有效的分销渠道以及可靠的售后服务方面,都处于行业领先地位。
2000年,C&D西恩迪从电池品质控制、产品开发和市场推广等长远的策略发展角度考虑,同时为了进一步发挥产品的强大优势,并在通信、不间断电源、电力等相关行业中取得长足的发展,从而决定在中国这重要市场上,将其两个原有的品牌“ DYNASTY 大力神”及“ LIBERTY ”统一为 LIBERTYTM。品牌统一后,除了在电池的包装印字统一为 LIBERTYTM,让业内用户对西恩迪的电池品牌容易掌握外,产品无论从外观设计,内在质量,至售后服务承诺,均与品牌统一前的(原 DYNASTY 大力神) 出品完全一样,并保持一贯严谨的标准。
目前上海C&D西恩迪作为LIBERTYTM 电池的重要生产基地,产品已大量出口到世界各地。并与LUCENT, APC-MGE, EMERSON, KEHUA 、KSTAR等著名的国际、国内的知名公司建立密切的合作。
Making some of the finest power storage and conversion systems on the planet. But this is something our customers already know. That's why telecommunications giants turn to C&D Technologies for dependable power systems.
C&D TECHNOLOGIES is also highly focused on power system integration. By offering products that can monitor and rectify AC-to-DC current to power the switches and other equipment, as well as provide backup battery power, we can give customers of any size — particularly in the telecommunications industry — a total power package.
Because many of our clients are in the telecom business, the explosive growth of the industry has helped us become bigger and better. We are a registered ISO 9001 producer at our five factories across the world and three of our R&D facilities. Three of our factories are also registered to TL 9000.
We won't stop there. We'll continue to develop new technologies and create more products that will be benchmarks in electrical power storage and conversion. They'll help you become more successful at what you do. Because we build business power.
C&D Technologies, Inc. Standby Power engineers and markets batteries, electronics and fully integrated power systems which provide back-up battery power in the event of a primary power loss or interruption. Meeting the needs of customers in the telecommunications, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and utility, switchgear and control, cable, broadband, and solar markets, C&D offers a wide selection of products for all of your Standby Power needs.
C&D engineers and designers have consistently created innovative products and processes that improve performance and increase long term value. C&D innovations have led the way toward industry-wide design and technology standards of efficiency and performance.
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